Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Twelve Steps To Living Simply...

This awesome book is designed to be used by an individual or small group as a course guide to living a better quality life with less stress.

The Title is "Twelve Steps To Living Simply."

Authored by: Linda Breen Pierce

Click Here to read the on line sample version, then you decide how to proceed from there.

It is available at Amazon .com

We are all searching for ways and means to simplify and reduce stress in our lives. (no easy task in the fast paced lifestyle that many of us are caught up in today)

Go ahead and have a look: (Live longer and enjoy an enriched, stress free and simple life)

Til next post,

Smiles :o)


Let me know (post a comment) as to how this book may have or possibly could give you what you have been searching for.

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