Monday, August 4, 2008

Welcome to "Physical Therapy Exercises"...


Physical Therapy Exercises is a new Blog that for the time being is using the "Blogger" blogging platform. This is simply to do some testing and see if there is sufficient interest by persons who may be interested in this market niche to support blogging on this topic.

There are about 300 searches per day using this exact keyword phrase "Physical Therapy Exercises". There are about 35, 000 competing web pages and the estimated visitor value of this particular key word phrase is in the neighborhood of $90,000.00 a year.

The plan at this point is to put up posts that would interest the Physical Therapy Exercises niche.

These posts will contain as much free content as I can possibly find using the latest internet tools to stay on top of the very latest information on the subject of Physical Therapy Exercises.

Some posts will also contain links to websites that provide valuable resources on the topic of Physical Therapy Exercises both free and commercial.

So click the RSS orange reader button in the top Right corner to capture all of our future posts to your favorite reader, Then sit back relax and enjoy. (if you haven't yet you should set up one of the many reader services that are available on the net, one popular one is of course Google Reader)

Let's watch this video by Common Craft to learn just what RSS is.

Now go set up your own RSS Reader. (I use Google Reader)

Talk soon,



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